Cloud Circles
Julian Broadhurst


Site Opening Sunday 12 September 2001, 3-9pm, The BBQ Project Gallery, Boxhagenerstr.68, Berlin.

Cloud Circles On Sunday the 16th of September 2OO1, the English artist Julian Broadhurst, will open an exhibition of his resent feedback-noise images as part of The BBQ Project Berlin. Broadhurst has three canvases 1500mm by 1300mm that are composed of a geometric underscore similar to his more often printed geometric works, however the painted, hyper-magnified image disintegrates into broken lines, and Broadhurst becomes the imposer of digital feedback noise, a technique he has borrowed from the imperfections that are experienced when one scans an image and enlarges it. The Images are titled Cloud Circles I - III and reproduce and develop the visual elements of a drawn image of the same title, reproduced on the Exhibition Poster that is posted over the site of Berlin city. The resulting works in the gallery are 3 feedback-noise-paintings, based on this original image by Broadhurst, reproduced and bill posted around Berlin. "Paint gives me a revolutionary freedom to disrupt in this sense." Julian states. "I approach paint principally as a printer... I turn from the pure thought of the image, in a complex Geometric purity, to the rendering of image, in print, and by inviting the physical reality of imperfections and imprecision to feedback image noise of photoenlargement into paint."


Cloud Circles Die BBQ Galerie zeigt vom Sonntag, dem 16. Sept., bis Freitag, dem 21. Sept., die neuen Arbeiten des Londoner Op-Art Künstlers Julian Broadhurst. In seiner ersten Ausstellung in Berlin stellt Broadhurst großformatige Acrylbilder aus, die auf die elementaren Formen der Geometrie aufbauen. Riesig große oder winzig kleine, in industrieller Sonderausführung hergestellte geometrische Schablonen ermöglichen dem Künstler, trotz des reduzierten Formenrepertoires und des Verzichts auf Freihandzeichnung, eine unendliche Vielfalt unvergleichlicher Variationen und Kombinationen. In England wurde Broadhurst erst kürzlich durch seine "public art" Arbeiten bekannt, Zeichnungen, die er in der Kunstzeitschrift Frieze veröffentlichte, als seien die Seiten des Magazins die Wände einer Galerie.